UNB ECE4253 Digital Communications
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada

Binary Encoding Tool

This online tool encodes a baseband binary data stream in various ways.

Encoding Result

The sequence provided is encoded below. Encoding
Binary Value:
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NRZ-L Non Return-to-Zero (Level)
At the start of each bit time, the signal level goes high if the bit is 1, or low if it is 0.
Non Return-to-Zero (Mark)or Non Return-to-Zero Inverted
At the start of each bit time, the signal level changes if the bit is 1
NRZ-S Non Return-to-Zero (Space)
At the start of each bit time, the signal level changes if the bit is 0
Biphase (Level) or "Manchester"
The signal level changes in the middle of every bit time, with a rising edge if the bit is 1 or a falling edge if the bit is 0.
Biphase-M Biphase (Mark)
The signal level changes at the start of every bit time.
The signal level changes in the middle of a bit time if the bit is 1
Biphase-S Biphase (Space)
The signal level changes at the start of every bit time.
The signal level changes in the middle of a bit time if the bit is 0
RZ Return-to-Zero
The signal level is normally low.
At the start of each bit time, the signal level goes high if the bit is 1, then returns to normal in the middle of the bit time.
Bipolar-RZ Bipolar Return-to-Zero
The signal level is normally low.
At the start of each bit time, the signal level goes high if the bit is 1, then returns to normal in the middle of the bit time. On alternate pulses, the signal level goes negative if the bit is 1, then returns to normal in the middle of the bit time.

2025-02-10 19:09:09 AST
Last Updated: 04-12-05
Richard Tervo [ tervo@unb.ca ] Back to the course homepage...